Busy Fingers Fundraising – 07 3408 1014

Helping the Bribie Island Community

Christmas Break & Donations

Posted on | January 3, 2019 | Comments Off on Christmas Break & Donations

Residents are mentioning that there is a mountain of donations left on the footpath outside the closed gates of the shop.

The article that is written each month in the Bribie Islander has been advertising our 2 week closure for the last 3 months, we also had notices in the shop during December. We asked people to refrain from leaving donations until we return on Monday 7th January, we also suggested they call for a pick up during the last week before Christmas if they couldn’t deliver them to us.

We try to ensure that everyone knows we are not there, so nothing is deposited outside the gate, as if it rains things are damaged and have to be taken to the Caboolture tip as businesses are not allowed to use the Ningi tip.

As we advised previously we were forced to erect a fence and close the gates overnights and weekends due to the continual acts of theft and also the dumping of rubbish.

We can no longer leave the white bins out either as we have some people who believe they are available to use as garbage bins for kitchen rubbish.

We try to ensure all the residents are aware of what we are doing, we can’t make people read newspapers or notices even when we do it repeatedly within the shop.

The shop opens on Monday 7th January at 8.30 am and the gates will be opened at 7.15, so if you have any donations please do not leave them outside the gate. Once again we apologise for any inconvenience caused.



Busy Fingers Fundraising Inc is a not for profit charity established to support the local community.

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