Posted on | April 6, 2018 | Comments Off on AFTER EASTER SALES
The Busy Fingers Family hope you had a very Happy Easter and enjoyed time with both family and friends.
We were closed over the four days and we also closed the gates to avoid dumping and also the theft of generous donations. Please do not leave donations outside the gates when they are closed as these donations are often stolen, if we can capture licence plates numbers we will seek Police help.
The gates are always closed from 12pm Saturday until 7.30am Monday. The gates will be left open on Anzac Day as it is in the middle of the week, we do close the gates on Public Holiday weekends and Easter and our Christmas Break.
We currently have a storewide 50% sale on, as we have many boxes of clothes ready to put on the racks, we will continue to have some summer clothes on the racks this winter just in case we have a mild winter and also for the customers going to warmer places for holidays.
Shortly plastic bags will no longer be available, so please try and remember to bring a bag when shopping with us. We are in the process of arranging reusable bags that we will have available for a small fee.
Due to the Easter break we are currently approximately a week behind with our free pick up service, so if you have donations you wish us to collect please ring Sonia as soon as possible on 3408 1014.
We currently have a large collection of furniture and kitchen items, so please come and take advantage of 50% sale.